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Emily Mann

Jackson Walker, LLP – San Antonio, Texas

Emily Mann

How did you get your job and how long have you been there?

I interviewed with Jackson Walker for a second-year J.D. student Summer Associate position towards the end of my first year in summer. From May 2023 to July 2023, I clerked as a second-year J.D. student Summer Associate at the San Antonio office.

What do you like most about your job?

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my job was the time spent with attorneys. Jackson Walker did an exceptional job ensuring that each summer clerk worked directly with associates and partners within our specific practice group. When feasible, the summer associates were also invited to hear opening and closing arguments of various trials, prepare clients for depositions, and attend depositions and court hearings.
In addition to the workday, I enjoyed the social events and activities hosted by various associates, partners, and the recruiting team. The social activities were an excellent opportunity to build relationships with attorneys, staff, and other summer associates and get a feel for the people, work, and firm culture.

How do you think this experience has helped you in your career path?

This summer experience reaffirmed my career interest in trial and appellate litigation.

Do you plan to continue working at this job into the next school year and after graduation?

Yes. Following my second-year J.D. student Summer Associate experience, I accepted a post-graduation offer to join Jackson Walker as an Associate in the Trial and Appellate Litigation practice with a concentration in Energy disputes.

What is the one piece of advice you have for other students?

Stay consistent in your legal studies, put in the work, build relationships, be eager to learn and take advantage of the opportunities presented to you.