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Territorial Law Concentration

Nearly four million people live in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa.  Although part of the United States, these five territories and their residents do not enjoy the same constitutional and statutory rights as Americans who live in the fifty states.

At the same time, each territory has developed its own distinct law and institutions with the United States legal framework, with renewed pushes for greater self-determination, equality and economic development.

While applicants from all backgrounds are welcome, the program is particularly well-suited for those who intend to or currently practice law in the territories or who represent clients who do business in the territories.

The L.L.M. will consist of 24 credit hours that can be completed on-campus, fully online to accommodate attorneys already practicing in U.S. territories or through a combination of courses and externships.

The Territorial Law concentration is now also available through online course curriculum.

Contact Assistant Dean Jennifer Stevenson, J.D., for more information.

LLM Students 2020 Shoot
Anthony Ciollo_500by400

The General LL.M. concentration in Territorial Law is designed to provide students with academic and practical training in the complex issues facing United States territories and their people. Students will develop proficiency through coursework and experiential learning opportunities in a wide variety of areas, including but not limited to territorial laws and legal systems, human rights, economic development, and constitutional law. 

-Anthony Ciolli


Required Courses

Required Core Credit Hours
Advanced Con Law – U.S. Territories (available online) 3
State & Territorial Legal Institution (available online) 3

Remaining Coursework

 In addition to required courses, students must pick 12 hours from the elective list.

Elective Courses Credit Hours
Administrative Law (available online) 3
Advanced Con Law: Free Speech, Press 3
Advanced Con Law: 1st Amendment 3
Asset Protection Planning 2
Com Law – Sec Trans Drafting 1
Commercial Paper 3
Comparative Law 3
Doing Business with Mexico 3
Federal Courts 3
International ADR and Tribunals 2
International Commercial Arbitration  2
International Human Rights 2
Leg Spanish & Mexican Legal System 3
Race and Racism in American Law 2
Sales: UCC Article 2 2
Sales/Secured Transactions 4
Secured Transactions: UCC Article 9 3