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Charles A. Frigerio

The Law Offices of Charles S. Frigerio

Charles A. Frigerio

What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned at your job?

Even in the midst of a global pandemic, I learned to be timely and adapt to change. The United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, along with others, have made the adaptation to video conferencing for court proceedings. Being comfortable with various types of software platforms is prudent to a successful presentation of your case during these times. No judge wants to hear that you were untimely due to a clerical error. I have thoroughly enjoyed strategizing with attorneys and seeing how cases develop one step at a time.

How do you think this experience has helped you in your career path?

Through this experience of interning with a firm that represents government entities, my desire to work in governmental law was reaffirmed. I am able to observe how counties and cities throughout Texas operate in their training and management of first-responders.

Did your job change in a virtual workplace? How did you interact with your co-workers?

Other than working primarily from home my job has not changed. Fortunately for legal databases, most legal research is at our fingertips. Our office conducts daily Zoom conferences to keep the office up-to-date and I will physically go to the office about once a week. Communication is key to keeping a steady workflow between co-workers and clients.