St. Mary’s University Law Alumni Association Board Member Roles and Responsibilities

A commitment to serve on the St. Mary’s University Law Alumni Association (LAA) carries with it certain responsibilities and expectations, both formal and informal.

  • Attend LAA General Board Meetings held four times a year (up to two may be via conference call) and participate in committee meetings.
  • Encourage enlightened, active, and positive participation of alumni in law school and Law Alumni Association affairs and activities.
  • Support the law school financially at a personally appropriate level.
  • Be a member of the Law Alumni Association.
  • Chair or serve on one or more committees or task forces during the year, to report back to the board on activities, and to fulfill commitments within agreed upon deadlines.
  • Serve as an ambassador in the community on behalf of the St. Mary’s University Law Alumni Association.
  • Attend major law events, such as the distinguished law graduate dinner, and any regional alumni activities in your area where possible.
  • Review and recommend candidates for LAA awards, volunteer leaders, or future LAA members.
  • Approach all board issues with an open mind, prepared to make the best decisions for the good of the whole.
  • Do nothing to violate the trust of those the board serves.
  • Do no use the organization or one’s service on the board for one’s own advantage or for the individual advantage of one’s friends or supporters.
  • Maintain confidentiality with pertinent university information.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest.
  • Be willing to share ideas for new initiatives and provide advice on alumni programs and activities.
  • Work to enhance and develop association planning.
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