Vincent R. Johnson
Professor of Law |Katherine A. Ryan Distinguished Chair for Global, Comparative, and International Law
Vincent R. Johnson teaches and writes in the areas of torts, professional responsibility, legal malpractice, government ethics, international law, and comparative law.
He was Interim Dean and Charles E. Cantú Distinguished Professor of Law in 2019-2020.
Johnson served as a Fulbright Scholar in Burma, China and Romania and as a law clerk for judges at the New York Court of Appeals and the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago.
As a Supreme Court Fellow at the Supreme Court of the United States, he assisted Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist with his duties as head of the federal judiciary. Johnson received the Administration of Justice Award from the Supreme Court Fellows Alumni Association at a dinner attended by the current Chief Justice, John Roberts.
Johnson is a prolific scholar. His articles have been cited in more than 210 law reviews, 65 federal and state court decisions, and various treatises. Johnson’s books have been assigned as required reading at more than forty American law schools.
Professor Johnson is an elected member of the American Law Institute. He received the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, a national honor conferred by the Boy Scouts of America. He was made a member of the Order of Art and Culture by the City of Innsbruck, Austria.
Professor Johnson received his J.D. from the University of Notre Dame, an LL.M from Yale University, and an LL.M. from the London School of Economics. He has taught law and lectured in 12 countries.
For work on ethics reform, Professor Johnson received a Presidential Citation, “for truly outstanding service to the legal profession of Texas,” from the president of the State Bar of Texas, June 2021.
- Member, Committee on Disciplinary Rules and Referenda, 2017 to Present (Appointed by the Supreme Court of Texas)
- Member, American Law Institute
- Member, Executive Committee of the Professional Responsibility Section of the Association of American Law Schools, 2019 to 2022
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Carolina Academic Press (1995-present)
- Commissioner, Judicial Fellows Commission (1993-99)
- 1997-1999, Chair, Mayor of San Antonio’s Taskforce on Ethics in Government (the work of which led to the adoption of a new ethics code governing the city’s 11,000 officials and employees)
- 1989-2001, Director of the St. Mary’s University Institute on World Legal Problems, a summer program on international and comparative law conducted annually at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. Participants included five Justices of the United States Supreme Court, students from 90 American law schools and more than 40 visiting professors from Austria, China, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Russia and the United States.
- San Antonio Bar Foundation
- Texas Bar Foundation
- American Bar Foundation
- State Bar of Texas
- San Antonio Bar Association
- American Bar Association
- Fulbright Association
- Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers
- Legal Malpractice Law: Problems and Prevention (W. Acad. Publ’g ed., 3d ed. 2021) with Susan Saab Fortney.
- Teacher’s Manual for Legal Malpractice Law: Problems and Prevention (W. Acad. Publ’g eds., 3d ed. 2021) with Susan Saab Fortney.
- Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility and the Legal Profession (West Academic Press 2018) (Hornbook Series, with Sisk et al.)
- Advanced Tort Law: A Problem Approach, 3d ed. (Carolina Academic Press 2020)
- Studies in American Tort Law, 7th ed. (Carolina Academic Press, 2022), with Liu.
- A Concise Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers (ALI 2007) co-edited with Fortney.
- Mastering Torts, 7th ed. (Carolina Academic Press, 2022). The fifth edition was published in Chinese by China Renmin University Press in 2017.
- Legal Malpractice Law in a Nutshell, 3d ed. (West Acad. Publ’g 2021).
- Teaching Torts, 7th ed. (Carolina Academic Press, 2022), with Liu.
Articles in a Periodical
- Trump’s Lawyer Suspended from Practicing Law, Caixin Media (China) (July 2, 2021).
- Commentary: Abbott’s Order May Lead to Suffering, But Not Liability, San Antonio Express-News (Aug. 8, 2021).
- Commentary: Red Mass Transends Politics as it Opens the Judicial Year, San Antonio Express-News, Oct. 12, 2021, at A11.
- Commentary: Paxton Attacks Basis of Legal System, San Antonio Express-News, Feb. 1, 2022, at A11.
- The End of the Golden Age of American Legal Education: My Year as Interim Dean, 52 U. of Tol. L. Rev. 289 (2021)
- The Informed Consent Doctrine in Legal Malpractice Law, 11 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics 362 (2021)
- The Proposed Rules on Advertising and Solicitation, 84 Tex. Bar J. 125 (2021)
- Thomas L. Shaffer, Legal Ethics, and St. Mary’s University, 10 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics, xxvii-liii (2020).
- The Importance of Doctor Liability in Medical Malpractice Law: China Versus the United States, 10 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics, 2-28 (2020).
- Developing Countries and International Economic Law: The Case of Burma, 23 Currents: Journal of International Economic Law 35-41 (2019).
- The Fiduciary Obligations of Public Officials, 10 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics, 298-340 (2019).
- Legal Malpractice Claims: What the Data Indicate, 9 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics 138-49 (2018).
- Causation and “Legal Certainty” in Legal Malpractice Law, 8 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice and Ethics 374-405 (2018).
- The Limited Duties of Lawyers to Protect the Funds and Property of Nonclients, 8 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice and Ethics 58-88 (2017).
- Comparative Defamation Law: England and the United States, 24 University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review 1-97 (2016).
- The English Magna Carta and the Beginning of Modern Legal Thought, 85 Mississippi Law Journal 621-42 (2016).
- Nanotechnology, Environmental Risks, and Regulatory Options, 121 Penn State Law Review 471-503 (2016).
- Legal Malpractice in International Business Transactions, 44 Hofstra Law Review 325-52 (2015)
- The Ancient Magna Carta and the Modern Rule of Law: 1215-2015, 47 St. Mary’s Law Journal 1-62 (2015)
- Governmental Power Versus Individual Liberty, 17 The Scholar: St. Mary’s University Law Review on Race and Social Justice 157-70 (2015)
- International Financial Law: The Case Against Close-out Netting, 22 Boston University International Law Journal 395 (2015).
- The Magna Carta and the Expectation it set for Anglo American-Law, San Antonio Lawyers (March-April 2015) at 3-12.
- The Great Charter, 78 Texas Bar Journal 266-69 (2015).
- Minimizing the Costs of Patent Trolling, 18 UCLA Journal of Law and Technology, at 1-36 (2014).
- Regional Sales Law in a World of Global Transactions
- The CISG After a Generation
- The Rule of Law in China and the Prosecution of Li Zhuang
- Punitive Damages, Chinese Tort Law, and the American Experience, 9 Frontiers of Law in China (Renmin University, Beijing, China)
- Regional Sales Law in a World of Global Transactions, 1 Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 426 (2013) (Oxford University Press)
- Legal Malpractice in a Changing Profession: The Role of Contract Principles, 61 Cleveland State Law Review 489-528 (2013)
- Rule of Law in China and the Prosecution of Li Zhuang, 1 Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 66-83 (2013) (Oxford University Press) (with Stephen C. Loomis)
- On the Abuse and Limits of Lawyer Discipline, 44 CONNtemplations 53-61 (2012) (Connecticut Law Review)
- Legal Malpractice Liability Related to Foreign Outsourcing of Legal Services, 2 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice and Ethics 262-322 (2012) (with Stephen C. Loomis)
- Judge Bernard S. Meyer: First Merit Appointee to the New York Court of Appeals, 75 Albany Law Review 963-1033 (2012)
- The Rule of Law and Enforcement of Chinese Tort Law, 34 Thomas Jefferson Law Review 43-93 (2011)
- Credit Monitoring Damages in Cybersecurity Tort Litigation, 19 George Mason Law Review 113-155 (2011)
- On Race, Gender, and Radical Tort Reform, 17 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 591-610 (2011)
- The Vast Domain of the Restatement (Third) of Torts, 1 Wake Forest Law Review Online 29-35 (2011)
- Legal Malpractice Litigation and the Duty to Report Misconduct, 1 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice and Ethics 41-113 (2011)
- The Boundary-Line Function of the Economic Loss Rule, 66 Washington & Lee Law Review 523-85 (2009)
- The Unlawful Conduct Defense in Legal Malpractice Law, 77 UMKC Law Review 43-83 (2008)
- Corruption in Education: A Global Legal Challenge, 48 Santa Clara Law Review 1-77 (2008)
- Regulating Lobbyists: Law, Ethics, and Public Policy, 16 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 1-61 (2007)
- Standardized Tests, Erroneous Scores, and Tort Liability, 38 Rutgers Law Journal 655-718 (2007)
- Tribute, Rehnquist, Innsbruck, and St. Mary’s University, 38 St. Mary’s Law Journal 1-45 (2006)
- Americans Abroad: International Education Programs and Tort Liability, 32 Journal of College and University Law 309-59 (2006) (peer-reviewed)
- The Tort Duty of Parents to Protect Minor Children, 51 Villanova Law Review 311-36 (2006) (with Claire G. Hargrove)
- Ethics in Government at the Local Level, 36 Seton Hall Law Review 715-779 (2006)
- Book Review: Chinese Law on SARS by Chenglin Liu, 7 Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal 32-36 (2006)
- Cybersecurity, Identity Theft, and the Limits of Tort Liability, 57 South Carolina Law Review 255-311 (2005) (lead article)
- Fighting Epidemics with Information and Laws: The Case of SARS in China, 24 Penn State International Law Review 157-176 (2005) (with Brian T. Bagley)
- Justice Tom C. Clark’s Legacy in the Field of Legal Ethics, 29 Journal of the Legal Profession 33-70 (2005) (University of Alabama)
- Misrepresentation by Lawyers about Credentials or Experience, 57 Oklahoma Law Review 529 (2004) (with Shawn Lovorn)
- Transferred Intent in American Tort Law, 87 Marquette Law Review 903-38 (2004)
- “Absolute and Perfect Candor” to Clients, 34 St. Mary’s Law Journal 737-93 (2003).
- Preface, 1 Chinese Review of Common Law 1-2 (2003) (invited publication; inaugural volume).
- The Ethical Foundations of American Judicial Independence, 29 Fordham Urban Law Review 1007-28 (2002).
- Tort Law in America at the Beginning of the 21st Century, 1 Renmin University of China Law Review 237-64 (2000) (invited publication)
- The Virtues and Limits of Codes in Legal Ethics, 14 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics, and Public Policy 25-47 (2000)
- Chinese Law and American Legal Education, 31 St. Mary’s L.J. 1-5 (1999) (symposium preface)
- America’s Preoccupation with Ethics in Government, 30 St. Mary’s L.J. 717-58 (1999).
- The Ethics of Communicating with Putative Class Members, 17 Review of Litigation 497-524 (1998).)
- Ethical Campaigning for the Judiciary, 29 Texas Tech Law Review 811-49 (1998) (University of Texas).
Book reviews
- Lawyers, Mistakes, and Moral Growth, 12 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics 180 (2021)
Vincent R. Johnson
Professor of Law |Katherine A. Ryan Distinguished Chair for Global, Comparative, and International Law

Contact Information
- LL.M, London School of Economics, 2016
- LL.D., St. Vincent College, 1991
- LL.M., Yale University, 1979
- J.D., University of Notre Dame, 1978
- B.A., St. Vincent College (Pa.), 1975
License to Practice
- Texas (active status)
- Pennsylvania (non resident, inactive status)
Specialties and Courses
- Tort law
- Legal ethics
- Ethics in Government
- Comparative Law
- International Business Transactions
- Legal malpractice