Since 1927, the School of Law has been the destination for students seeking a strong, well-rounded legal education. In many of life’s milestones – buying a home, starting a business, planning a legacy – we turn to a trusted attorney for counsel. The School of Law prepares future members of the legal profession for practice in all types of legal settings. Private philanthropy enables St. Mary’s Law to offer student scholarships and academic programs that would otherwise be unavailable.
Your gift makes a difference in the life of each student. It support student scholarships, faculty research, the Law Library, and a variety of special projects. These gifts have allowed the law school to attract talented students, make law school more affordable, attract and retain outstanding teachers and scholars, and make improvements to St. Mary’s Law that directly affect student success.

Ways to Give
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions concerning the options below. If you’d like, you can view our IRS Tax Exemption Letter.

Give online
Make your gift online, using a secure form that accepts credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal payments.

Gifts by mail or phone
St. Mary’s University School of Law Law School Advancement One Camino Santa Maria
San Antonio, TX 78228 210-436-3778
If you would like to designate your gift, please indicate your designation in the memo section of your check or money order.

Matching Gifts
Many employers match their employees’ gifts to St. Mary’s Law with an equal or greater corporate contribution. You can double or even triple the value of your contribution simply by notifying your employer of your gift. Information on matching gifts is usually available through a company human resource department. You may need to provide St. Mary’s Employer Identification Number (EIN) on the form. That number is 74-1143128. Check to see if your gift qualifies.

Gifts of Securities (Stocks)
Gifts of appreciated stocks or bonds entitle a contributor to two income tax benefits: mitigation of capital gains tax and the use of the security’s fair market value on the date of the gift for income tax charitable deduction. If you would like to make a gift of mutual fund shares, closely held stock, or other forms of stock, please contact Zandra Henderson at 210-436-3802 or by email at

Bequests & Living Trusts
Including St. Mary’s Law in your will or living trust provides significant support to the Law School and reduces the tax burden on estates and inheritance. Bequests also afford a way for you to express your specific philanthropic wishes. A bequest can include a specific dollar amount, a percentage of estate or a specific asset. For more information on bequests and living trusts, visit our planning website.

Gifts through Retirement Plans
Retirement plans that remain in your estate are often subject to both estate and income taxes when left to your heirs. Designating St. Mary’s Law as the beneficiary of your IRA, Keogh, tax-sheltered annuity, or qualified pension or profit-sharing allows the assets to pass directly to St. Mary’s Law at your death without subjecting it to any income or estate taxes. Learn more about beneficiary designations.

Gifts of Life Insurance
Individual life insurance policies, either new or no longer needed, may be transferred to St. Mary’s University. The University may then become the owner and beneficiary to receive an income tax deduction or the University may simply be named as a beneficiary of a policy. Many checking, savings, and brokerage accounts can also be bequeathed to St. Mary’s Law through a “payable on death” designation for the University. Learn more on our planning website.

Gifts in Kind
Works of art, rare books, equipment and furnishings that further the mission of St. Mary’s University School of Law may also be donated with approval. The allowable deduction for a gift of such property depends upon its related use and appraised value.

Gifts through a Trust
A trust is an arrangement where property is held by a trustee for the benefit of another. The trustee holds legal title to the property and the beneficiary is the institution who is benefited. There are a variety of trust types: irrevocable trust, revocable trust, living trust, and testamentary trust.

Gifts of Real Estate
You may donate a residence, farmland, mineral rights, or other real estate to St. Mary’s University, for benefit of the School of Law. Gifts of real estate may offer considerable tax savings. The gift can be made immediately available to the University or you may wish to donate the property but retain use of it for your lifetime.

Estate Planning
Please visit our planning website for information.