Faculty Scholarship
The St. Mary’s University School of Law is home to many nationally known subject-area experts, scholars and practitioners.
View some of their recent scholarship:

Vincent R. Johnson
Legal Malpractice Law in a Nutshell (W. Acad. Publ’g ed., 3d ed. 2021).
Legal Malpractice Law: Problems and Prevention (W. Acad. Publ’g ed., 3d ed. 2021) (with Fortney).
Teacher’s Manual for Legal Malpractice Law: Problems and Prevention (W. Acad. Publ’g eds., 3d ed. 2021) (with Fortney).
The Proposed Rules on Advertising and Solicitation, 84 Tex. Bar J. 125 (2021).
The Informed Consent Doctrine in Legal Malpractice Law, 11 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics 362 (2021).
The End of the Golden Age of American Legal Education: My Year as Interim Dean, 52 U. Tol. L. Rev. 289 (2021).
Developing Countries and International Economic Law: The Case of Burma, 23 Currents: Journal of International Economic Law 35-41 (2019).
The Fiduciary Obligations of Public Officials, 10 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics 298-340 (2019).
Turning Points in the History of St. Mary’s University School of Law (1980-1988), 50 St. Mary’s Law Journal 521-99 (2019).
Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility, and the Legal Profession (West Academic Press Hornbook Series 2018) (with others).
Studies in American Tort Law (6th ed. 2018) (Carolina Academic Press) (with Liu).
Teaching Torts: A Teacher’s Guide to Studies in American Tort Law (6th ed. 2018) (Carolina Academic Press) (with Liu).
Mastering Torts: A Student’s Guide to the Law of Torts (6th ed. 2018) (Carolina Academic Press)
Legal Malpractice Claims: What the Data Indicate, 9 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics 138-49 (2018).
Causation and “Legal Certainty” in Legal Malpractice Law, 8 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice and Ethics 374-405 (2018).
Punitive Damages, Chinese Tort Law, and the American Experience, 4 Research on the Rule of Law 118 (2018).

Albert H. Kauffman
Commentary: Will Lawmakers Leave Elections to the Texas Supreme Court?, San Antonio Express-News (July 7, 2021).
Commentary: Texas Voting Bills are Dangerous, San Antonio Express-News (July 4, 2021).
Latino Education in Texas: A History of Systematic Recycling Discrimination, 50 St. Mary’s L.J. 861 (2019).
Podcast: Quick History of School Finance in Texas (Intercultural Development Research Associates 2019)
Podcast: Most Recent Fights for Fair Funding of Texas Schools (Intercultural Development Research Associates 2019)
Latino Organizations Thrived in San Antonio in 1960s, in 300 Years of San Antonio & Bexar County (Trinity University Press 2018).

Michael Ariens
Model Rule 8.4(g) and the Profession’s Core Values Problem, 11 St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics 180 (2021).
American Constitutional Law and History (Carolina Acad. Press ed., 2d ed. Supp. 2021).
Making the Modern Legal Profession 1969-Present, 50 St. Mary’s Law Journal 671 (2019).
Book review, 122 Southwestern Historical Quarterly 343 (2019)
Book review of Slavery and Freedom in Texas, 20 American Nineteenth Century History 209 (2019).
Church and State in Ohio, 1785-1833, in Disestablishment and Religious Dissent: Church-State Relations in the New American States, 1776-1833, at 249 (University of Missouri Press 2019).
Book review of Beyond the Borders of the Law, 88 Pacific History Review 745 (2019).
Ethics in the Legal Industry, 51 Creighton Law Review 673 (2018).

Ramona Lampley
Federal Evidence Tactics (Matthew Bender Elite Prods. ed., 2d ed. 2021) (with Imwinkelried).
Texas Practice Series: Consumer Rights and Remedies (3d ed. 2021) (with Hébert-Fajardo).
Texas Practice Series: Consumer Law Handbook (2020–2021 ed. 2021) (with Hébert-Fajardo).
Mitigating Risk, Eradicating Slavery, 68 American University Law Review 1707 (2019).
Medical Records as Evidence (Juris) (2018) (with Jost).
Federal Evidence Tactics (Lexis Nexis) (with Imwinkelried).
Texas Consumer Law Handbook, Texas Practice Series, 2018-19 (with Hébert-Fajardo).
Something Old, Something New: Exploring the Recent Amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence, 57 Washburn Law Journal 519 (2018).

Angela Walch
Opinion, Congress, Don’t Rush Regulating Crypto, CoinDesk, (Aug. 2, 2021).
Deconstructing ‘Decentralization’: Exploring the Core Claim of Crypto Systems, in Cryptoassets: Legal, Regulatory, and Monetary Perspectives (Oxford University Press 2019).
In Code(rs) We Trust: Software Developers as Fiduciaries in Public Blockchains in Regulating Blockchain. Techno-Social and Legal Challenges (Oxford University Press 2019).
Difficult Definitions & the Veil of Decentralization, Decentralize This! Podcast with Tor Bair, May 10, 2019.
Critiquing Bitcoin, What Bitcoin Did Podcast with Peter McCormack, March 26, 2019.
Blockchain Applications to International Affairs: Reasons for Skepticism, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, vol. 19, 2018, pp. 27-35 (transcribed interview).
Distributed Ledger Technology Systems: A Conceptual Framework, Report from the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, August 2018 (contributor).
The Case for Treating Developers as Fiduciaries in Public Blockchains, Epicenter Blockchain Podcast, September 19, 2018.

Genevieve Hébert-Fajardo
Texas Practice Series: Consumer Rights and Remedies (3d ed. 2021) (with Lampley).
Texas Practice Series: Consumer Law Handbook (2020–2021 ed. 2021) (with Lampley).
Texas Consumer Law Handbook, Texas Practice Series, 2018-19 (with Lampley).

Robert H. Hu
Time to Reopen Houston Consulate, San Antonio Express-News (Dec. 5, 2021).
Arthur C. Y. Yao (1906–2004): A Pioneer Chinese Professor at St. Mary’s University School of Law, 51 ST. MARY’S L.J. 130 (2020).

Mark Cochran
Commentary: Give Tax Collectors Tools to do Their Job, San Antonio Express-News (May 30, 2021).
Back to the Future: Marriage and Divorce Under the 2017 Tax Act, 51 St. Mary’s Law Journal 101 (2019)

Chenglin Liu
The World Health Organization: A Weak Defender Against Pandemics, 28 Va. J. Soc. Pol’y & L. 174 (2021).
Chinese Law in Context (Carolina Academic Press 2020).
Studies in American Tort Law (6th ed. 2018) (Carolina Academic Press) (with Johnson).
Teaching Torts: A Teacher’s Guide to Studies in American Tort Law (6th ed. 2018) (Carolina Academic Press) (with Johnson).

David Dittfurth
Commentary: Denying Slavery in Texas History is Dangerous, San Antonio Express-News (Apr. 5, 2022).
The Texas Constructive Trust and its Peculiar Requirements, 50 Texas Tech Law Review 447 (2018)

Zoe Niesel
Legal Research Patterns and Practice (Carolina Academic Press 2019)
#PersonalJurisdiction: A New Age of Internet Contacts, 94 Indiana Law Journal 103 (2019).

Richard Flint
Fraud, Letters of Credit, and the Uniform Commercial Code: It is Time to Untether the Independence Principle, 71 Baylor L. Rev. 353-420 (2019).
Texas Civil Procedure – PreTrial (Imprimatur Press rev. eds. 2018 & 2019) (with Scott).
Texas Civil Procedure – Trial and Appeal (Imprimatur Press rev. eds. 2018 & 2019) (with Scott).

David Hague
Milking the Estate, 121 West Virginia Law Review 83-134 (2018).
SARE Manipulation: The Hurdles in Single-Asset Real Estate Cases, 67 Catholic University Law Review 280 (2018).

Jeffrey Addicott
Christian Doctrines (Imprimatur Press ed., 2022).
Reshaping American Jurisprudence in the Trump Era – The Rise of “Originalist” Judges, 22 California Western Law Review 341 (2019).
The Trump Travel Ban: Rhetoric vs. Reality, 44 University of Dayton Law Review 491-528 (2019).
Categorical Bible Doctrines (Imprimatur Press 2019).
Prosecuting the War on Terror in the Trump Administration: The Trump Doctrine – Is There Really a New Sheriff in Town?, 11 Albany Government Law Review 209 (2018).
The Legality of Dual Interrogations for High-Value Terrorists, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Jan. 25, 2018.

Dorie Klein
“Rule of Inclusion” Confusion, 58 San Diego L. Rev. 379 (2021).
Memoir as Witness to Mental Illness, 43 Law & Psychol. Rev. 133 (2019).
The (Mis)application of Rule 404(b) Heuristics, 72 University of Miami Law Review 706 (2018).

Colin Marks
Online Terms as In Terrorem Devices, 78 Maryland L. Rev. 247 (2019).
Mastering Sales (Carolina Academic Press 2018) (with Kidd).
Online and “As Is”, 45 Pepperdine Law Review 1 (2018).

Gerald S. Reamey
Police Use of Force Laws in Texas, 52 St. Mary’s L.J. 1071 (2021).
Texas Criminal Procedure (13th edition, Academia Press 2018) (with Bubany).
Constitutional Shapeshifting: Giving the Fourth Amendment Substance in the Technology-driven World of Criminal Investigation, 14 Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties 201 (2018) .
The False Dichotomy: What It Means To Be “Adversarial,” in Viefalt Des Strafrechts Im Internationalen Kontext: Festschrift Fuer Frank Hoepfel Zum 65. Geburtstag (NWV publishers 2018).

Victoria Mather
Population Law and Policy: From Control and Contraception to Equity and Equality, 50 St. Mary’s Law Journal 917-50 (2019).

Roberto Rosas
Evolution of Legal Topics, Rights and Obligations in the United States, 8 Russian J. Compar. L. 17 (2021).
Foreign Patent Decisions and Harmonization: A View of the Presumption Against Giving Foreign Patent Decisions Preclusive Effect in United States Proceedings in Light of Patent Law International Harmonization,18 John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law 1 (2018).

Bill Piatt
Commentary: Breyer’s Legacy One to Commend, San Antonio Express-News (Feb. 6, 2022).
Slavery in the Southwest: Genizaro Identity, Dignity and the Law (Carolina Academic Press 2019).
Law Schools Harm Genizaros and other Indigenous People by Misunderstanding ABA Policy, 49 N.M. L. Rev. 236 (2019) (with others).
Catholic Legal Perspectives (3rd ed., Carolina Academic Press 2018).
Entrada: Slavery, Religion and Reconciliation, 13 Intercultural Human Rights Law Review 1 (2018).

David Schlueter
Evidence Materials—Fall 2022 (2022).
Texas Rules of Evidence Manual (Juris Publ’g, Inc., ed., 11th ed. Supp. 2021) (with Jonathan D. Schlueter).
Military Rules of Evidence Manual (Matthew Bender & Co. ed., 9th ed. Supp. 2021) (with Saltzburg & Hansen).
Military Criminal Justice: Practice and Procedure (Matthew Bender & Co., Inc., ed., 10th ed. Supp. 2021) (with Schenck).
Military Crimes and Defenses (Matthew Bender & Co., Inc., ed., 3d ed. Supp. 2021) (with others).
Military Criminal Justice: Practice and Procedure (10th ed., 2018 LEXIS).
Military Crimes and Defenses (3d ed., 2018 LEXIS) (with others).
Materials on Evidence (Amazon 2018) (with others).
Materials on Evidence (Kindle Publishing 2019).