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Jazmen Williams

Salesforce — Seattle, Washington

Jazmen Williams

How did you get your job, and how long have you been there?

I was interested in an in-house legal internship, so I just did a lot of Googling and landed on the tech side of in-house counsel. I applied for Salesforce and after 5 interviews landed the job. I have been a legal intern in the Commercial Legal Department.

What do you like most about your job? 

I like working in the tech field because I didn’t know how law and tech worked together, so it has exposed me to a lot that I didn’t know.

What is the most challenging part about your job? 

Not knowing the answers, but having to find them. As an intern, everyone knows you don’t know the answers, but it is your job to do the research and take the extra time to find them and/or ask the right people to point you in the right direction.

How do you think this experience has helped you in your career path?

I believe it has helped because I work with a lot of redlining of contracts and contract drafting. This is transactional part of law, that I hope to do as a practicing attorney.

What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned at this job? 

I learned that networking is everything. The connections you make matter. Because the company is so large, I am able to network with the interns from the other global offices as well as the attorneys worldwide.

Do you plan to continue working at this job into the next school year, and after graduation?  

If given the opportunity I would love to work for Salesforce post-grad. This is an awesome company that values its employees, has taught me a lot, and has provided me with a lot of valuable opportunities.

What doors has this job opened for you, whether in your personal or professional life? 

This job has exposed me to the world of in-house counsel working on tech issues as well as talent and entertainment contracts. It is my ultimate goal to be a sports/entertainment attorney.

What is the one piece of advice you have for other students? 

If you want something, go for it! I did not see a lot of jobs for sports or entertainment. Or simply in-house counsel in San Antonio, so I took it upon myself to research and find legal internships that fit the needs of the type of law I want to practice or put me in a place for those types of connections.