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Robert F. Eichelbaum

Faculty in Residence


Contact Information


  • J.D., St. Mary’s University School of Law, 1997
  • B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio, 1994

License to Practice

  • Texas

Specialties and Courses

  • Negotiations
  • Mediation
  • Family Law Mediation
  • Family Law
  • Creditors Rights and Bankruptcy


Eichelbaum has been an Adjunct Professor at St. Mary’s University School of Law since 1997. He currently teaches Mediation, Family Law Mediation, and Law Practice Management.

He is a native of San Antonio. His first legal job was as a partner with his father in the Eichelbaum Law Firm. He has previously worked for Davidson Troilo Ream & Garza, and the Davis Law Firm. His current position is as a full-time mediator for the Workers’ Compensation Administrative Courts. Rob is also the owner of San Antonio Mediation, a company providing both mediation training and conflict resolution services.

He is an active member of the greater San Antonio legal community. He is a former member officer of the San Antonio Bankruptcy Bar Association, and previously served on the Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee. He is the immediate Past President of the San Antonio Bar Association Alternative Dispute Resolution section.

He is a frequent lecturer and presenter in the fields of Conflict Resolution and Ethics. Last year he presented two separate programs for the San Antonio Bar Brown Bag Luncheon program, including an interactive program entitled “Harry Potter and the Grievance Committee – What the Wizarding World can teach us about Legal Ethics.”

Honors and Awards

  • San Antonio Bar Foundation Class of 2021
  • San Antonio Bar Foundation Peacemaker Award – 2021
  • Scene in San Antonio – Best Lawyer’s Survey 2007-2013
  • Texas Super Lawyer 2012
  • College of the State Bar of Texas 1998- 2013



  • Building Blocks of Mediation – A 40 Hour Mediation Training Course
  • Advanced Building Blocks of Mediation – A 24 Hour Mediation Training concentrating on areas of Family Law Disputes
  • Selecting a Mediator in a Guardianship Matter – National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys 2009 Annual Conference
  • Mediation and Bankruptcy – State Bar of Texas Advanced Consumer Bankruptcy Conference
  • Not Just Tilting at Windmills – Consumer Litigation on Behalf of the Bankruptcy Debtor.