Law Career Strategy for Employers

The St. Mary’s University School of Law Office of Career Strategy is happy to assist you in finding talented candidates for your hiring needs. Our school trains high-quality candidates who are ready to practice and can hit the ground running.

We offer employers the opportunity to:

  • Post internships and jobs for law students and alumni at no cost to you.
  • Participate in our Seasonal On Campus Interview (OCI) Programs with options to interview students on campus or virtually, or simply collect resumes and arrange interviews directly.
  • Interview St. Mary’s law students at job fairs.
  • Post a temporary work opportunity through our Project and Remote Opportunities Program (PROP).
  • Sponsor a light breakfast, lunch, or virtual info session to increase your firm or organization’s name recognition and visibility.
Job Postings

If you would like to hire our students for internships, clerkships or postgraduate positions, we will be glad to facilitate job postings.

You can post an internship or job by logging into our CORE job bank. Enter your username and password. Your username is: your email address. If you have forgotten your password or do not have a password, click on the “Forgot Password” tab, and you will receive a new password via email.

If you are a new participant or new point of contact for your organization, please click on the “Employer Sign Up” tab. If you encounter any problems retrieving your password or registering, please call our office at (210) 436-3511.

Once you have registered, click on the “Post a Job” button to input the specific job details.

You can also email the Office of Career Strategy the job description and other details to be posted.

Seasonal On Campus Interview (OCI) Programs

Every year the Office of Career Strategy invites employers to participate in our Seasonal On Campus Interview (OCI) Programs, taking place throughout the year. There is no fee to participate. These programs are designed specifically for employers with future hiring needs for the summer or academic semesters, and are looking for law clerks or recent graduates for associate positions.

Through these programs, we collect students’ applications, distribute them electronically to you, and schedule interviews on pre-determined dates. Our recruitment programs allow you to interview multiple students during a single morning or afternoon session on campus or virtually. If you do not wish to come to campus or interview virtually, but still want to receive applications, you can select the “Resume Collection” option when registering.

You pre-screen resumes and other application materials, selecting only those students whom you wish to interview. If you have questions, please email Veronica Elizalde or call her at (210) 436-3511.

To register for the seasonal OCI Programs, please log in to CORE. Enter your username and password. Your username is [your email]. If you have forgotten your password or do not have a password, click on the “Forgot Password” tab, and you will receive a new password via email. Please note that if you do not see registration options, the registration period for that particular OCI Program may not have opened yet.

If you are a new participant or new point of contact for your organization, please click on the “Employer Sign Up” tab. If you encounter any problems retrieving your password or registering, please call our office at (210) 436-3511.

Once you have logged in, follow these steps to request an interview schedule:

  • On the landing page, under “Register for OCI”, click on “Register.”
  • A schedule form will open. Where it says “OCI Round,” use the drop-down menu and select the applicable program. (You will see all available dates for that month once you select a session.)
  • Once you have selected the session, complete the form according to your date requests. If you have any special needs regarding your date, please indicate your requests in the scheduling notes section.
  • When done, click “Submit.”
  • Once you have registered for a particular session, you will click on “Post a Job” to input the specific position details to complete the process.
Project and Remote Opportunity Program

Our Project and Remote Opportunity Program (PROP) allows our students to get experience while providing you with assistance to meet your short-term needs. Students can help you with research, writing, discovery, trial preparation, due diligence, or transaction closings, among other tasks. The nature of this program lends itself to many creative temporary staffing solutions.

PROP provides employers with an efficient option for securing qualified applicants for temporary law clerk assignments. These short-term assignments can also be done remotely.

If you are interested in learning more about the Project and Remote Opportunity Program, email the Office of Career Strategy or call 210-436-3511. To hire a student, post your position in CORE.

Light Breakfast or Lunch Sponsor

If your firm or organization is interested in generating greater name recognition and familiarity among our students, we offer the opportunity to sponsor a light breakfast or lunch. Firm or organization representatives are welcome to attend, or we can have promotional material available for students to review.

If you are interested in sponsoring breakfast or lunch, email the Office of Career Strategy or call 210-436-3511. 

Information for Employers

Employers may post employment opportunities in CORE at no cost.

Employers posting a job announcement agree to comply with our Equal Opportunity, Nondiscrimination, Sexual and Other Forms of Harassment Policies.

The ABA has specific guidelines that govern full-time law students’ employment. And law students must work under the supervision of a licensed attorney if they are working in a legal capacity.

As a member of the National Association of Law Placement, St. Mary’s Law follows the NALP Principles for a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Process.

In accordance with the Department of Labor’s Fair Labor Standards Act, we will not post any unpaid internships with for-profit firms. All jobs posted with St. Mary’s University School of Law must be bona fide employment opportunities.

Employers recruiting at St. Mary’s University School of Law agree to contact OCS when their position is closed, canceled or changed, and to notify OCS of any students or graduates hired.

When submitting a position, please verify that all information is correct. Positions are posted within one business day.

We reserve the right in our sole discretion to restrict or remove any job posting without notice that appears to violate our Equal Opportunity, Non-discrimination, Sexual and Other Forms of Harassment Policies or that we otherwise feel is inappropriate for our students and alumni.

For more information or assistance, please email the Office of Career Strategy or call (210) 436-3511.

We appreciate your listing an internship or postgraduate opportunity for St. Mary’s University School of Law students or graduates.

By posting a job in CORE, employers agree to strictly comply with these Policies.

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